martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

My future as a midwife

When I become a midwife, what am I going to do? Which area I would like to work? Will my expectations come true? It is kind of difficult to give an accurate answer for those questions...Probably it might be because I am just beginning in this career and there are a lot of things I do not know yet. However, at this moment I’m very interested in a few career-related topics: public health and psychology.
In my opinion, public health is an essential issue to consider to make that a country be able to progress. I would like to do research in order to contribute in new governmental policies creation and thus improve health quality offered by primary care centers to the community.
The psychology area is quite relevant in this profession. Nevertheless, apparently it is not completely developed by midwives. When I finish this career, I would like to work in a primary care center to have a deeper contact with the patients. I think is very important to know about patients’ needs, the way that they live and if they have any trouble that they want to share. Maybe this is the only instance to make a real difference in someone’s life.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hi everyone, my name is María Carolina Aguilera, I'm a student of Obstetrics and I have to create this blog for my english class. Welcome to my blog!
Due to write and think in english is a very difficult process I think this is a good way to improve my writing skills.
In this blog I woud like to share a little bit of my thoughts about several topics. I hope you enjoy this page and we can learn together.

February, 27th of 2010: Earthquake in Chile

The day of the earthquake I was returning from Arica to Santiago with my family by plane. It was about 4:25 in the morning and the plain starts to descend getting ready to land. Suddenly the plain is climbing again. As a natural reaction everybody on board look at each other trying to stay calm, but at the same time we want to know what happen. A few minutes later the captain tells us that he can’t land in Santiago’s airport because a huge earthquake occurred in the city therefore he must to land in Mendoza. A panic environment could be felt inside the plain.
After 30 minutes we arrive to Mendoza. The captain gives us more information about the earthquake and the current situation in Chile. Everybody tried to communicate with their family but no one had signal to call, so passengers with cell phones looked for local radios to hear the news.
Although I didn´t experiment the earthquake this day was the longest, distressing and exhausting day of my life.

A career-related website that you should visit

Today I’m going to talk about a career-related website that may be interesting you: MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF CHILE website.
Ministry of Health of Chile is the government department in charge to keep all the society informed about health issues related to current situation of our country. It provides health policies.

The link of this website is:

Ministry of Health website is organized in six sections: about us, we inform you, health topics, health protection, health problems and related institutions.
It contains a lot of relevant information. For example it has documents about social determinants, health economy, epidemiology and health statistics. Also it has links with another important websites like:


I visit this page at least one a week due to a big part of the information uploaded in here might be used in investigations that we have to do.
As a future midwife, I think it is required being informed about each situation happened in our country in health terms. In Chile, Ministry of Health provides it and its website allow that everyone has free access to health news.
In my opinion you should visit this website because it has truthful information and interesting links that could be useful for you.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

"Why I decided to study Midwifery"

A few years ago I was studying another career related to a different area; nevertheless I realized It was not make me completely happy.
When I decided to study Midwifery it was not a difficult decision. I must say that this career was not my first choice. In a first place, a wanted to study another career related to health area however I thought Obstetrics should be a good option.
Midwifery is a career center on women’s care during their lives which imply to participate in one of the most amazing process in woman’s life: the pregnancy process.
I think that any career related to health area has a huge social commitment, especially Obstetrics. I like this career because I could make my contribution to the community, helping it with the knowledge which I will acquire during this next years.
Since I took up this career I have realized that each subject has an importance in my vocational training, because a new knowledge makes a big difference in my creation of the midwife concept.
In my first year in this career I felt a special feeling about it. It could be due to I had a close experience with the practice of this profession. I think this is a considerable benefit which might help to figure out how you feel studying Midwifery or if this career makes you happy.
I really enjoy topics related to public health and psychology. Maybe when I become a midwife I will dedicate my efforts into these subjects.